We’re thrilled to share the expansion of our North American manufacturing operations with the opening of Direct Pack Baja in Mexicali and the expansion of the Rockingham, N.C. facility. Leveraging the integration of our vertical operations, the addition of Direct Pack Baja will allow us to increase production capacity, and reclaim and reuse PET bottles and thermoformed packaging. This will further strengthen our full circular business model.
Direct Pack Baja
- 200,000 sq. ft. facility with the capability of solid-state polymerization, extrusion, thermoforming, labeling, and warehousing
- All thermoformed food packaging will be made of post-consumer recycled PET serving supermarket, foodservice, growers and processor customers.
- The majority of post-consumer PET material in Direct Pack Baja will be supplied from Direct Pack Recycling, our reclaiming and reprocessing facility where we have recycled over 38.9 million pounds of plastic since 2020.